Morning Prayer

A prayer for the weary

Lord, chaos causes eyes
to flitter to and fro.
The never ending stream
of violence and destruction
turns and wearies one’s focus, stifling hope.

The groans of the wearied souls
can be heard under the weight of oppression
that darkens the minds of all
who’ve lost sight of good,
rendering them unable to see anything other than loss.

We know, that in the face of chaos,
your resolute gaze
ranges across the earth,
providing strength
in the face of difficulty.

You say that you provide strength
to those whose hearts are ever turned in your direction
and whose eyes heed not the darkness.
These are the ones filled with the light of your glory
and the hope of your Son.

Breathe life into the hearts of the weary,
that the lamps of our souls
would be sustained by an oil
that never empties
and anoints us with a rooted strength.

Remind us of truth:
your eyes are ever upon the righteous
and your ears are open to their cries.
So help us Oh Lord this day,
return your gaze with expectancy.

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