Light from light.

“Align Your Hearts With My Spirit”

When Light Is Hard To See

It is no secret, darkness seems to everywhere. The people of God have continually been asked to find refuge in God in a world that’s grown increasingly antagonistic and dark for many over these past few years. We hold on to the promise God has for his people, which is one filled with light and hope.

In a recent time of prayer, I heard the Lord speak to the importance of aligning our hearts to him with great intentionality in this season. God is light, and we who call him our God, are children of light. Below is the word I received…

Align Your Hearts With My Spirit

You are children of light. Follow me; go where I am going. Let me lead you; step evermore fully into my light and see my radiance. You will see my beauty shine upon my people like never before.

Wake up, oh my people, see the luminescence! Experience my care and provision with clarity and abundance. Flee from the world’s false allures and rest in me.

I. Am. Coming.

The brightness shall repel most; they will run, they will hide their faces, they will be unable to stand the light. My children however, will bask in the warmth and overwhelming cover of my light.

Woe to the ones who put their trust in themselves or the systems that have long held promise of deliverance. These are the ones who will scream and clamor, “Help us!! Save us!!” Their help will not come. They look for peace, but will be overcome by the chaos and false comforts that they’ve given their lives over to.

I bring peace, but only to those whose hearts are aligned with my Spirit.

Align your hearts with my Spirit.