Darkness descends quickly, stealing breath.
An eery stillness surrounds.
I have to get out of here.
Don’t move.
I can’t stay.
Left seems as right, right as left.
Is not a step forward actually a step backwards?
Feet are on the ground,
despite not seeing the ground on which they stand.
Breathe, still your soul.
There is a grace in the darkness.
Do not move quickly, despite the desire to flee.
Remain still; at rest.
Stillness is a small flicker in the darkest of places.
The discomfort of stillness in the darkness softens the spirit.
Senses recalibrate in the darkness.
The stillness in waiting brings life.
Sometimes, in the staying, a step is found.
It will come.
Breathe, don’t be afraid, surrender to stillness.